Family Chiropractor Woodbury, MN

Help Every Family Live a Life of Optimal Health

At Mindset Chiropractic, we know that our body is the most powerful, self-healing organism created and we live our life through the nervous system. The nervous system is the first system to be created prior to birth and this master control system is what gives the expression of life.

Our mission is to provide the highest quality of neurological chiropractic care to every man, woman and child in our surrounding communities. We specialize in pediatric, prenatal and family care to ensure the body’s nervous system is not challenged, so that we can help every family live a life of optimal health.

Chiropractic Care for the whole family

Our first objective at Mindset Chiropractic is to build momentum by being proactive with care in order to help you reach your health goals. We monitor your progress with periodical assessments to make sure we are staying on track with allowing your body to function in a more congruent manner.

At Mindset Chiropractic, we see people every day who suffer from a wide range of injuries and illnesses. This can range from physical aches and pains such as headaches, TMJ, sciatic, low back, hip, shoulder, and neck injuries, to symptoms of vertigo, anxiety, depression, breathing difficulties, infertility, and more. Many patients have been unable to find relief from traditional forms of medicine such as prescription medications or surgeries and have suffered from pain and symptoms for years.

What we find when we take a closer look is the majority of these issues are related to subluxations, or misalignments of the spine, which cause stress on the nervous system. When these misalignments are left unresolved, we see other symptoms develop over time. Neurologically based chiropractic care offers a long-term, natural, and cost-effective solution for managing pain and illness by getting to the root cause of these issues. By applying gentle and specific adjustments to realign the spine, chiropractic care reduces the stress applied to the nervous system and allows the body to heal naturally, from the inside out. 

We start by getting to know you, your current state of health and your health goals. We complete a series of neurological assessments to get a full scope of how your body is functioning and then we create a care plan specific to your particular needs. Using the Torque Release Technique (TRT) and the diversified technique, Dr. Mark applies specific adjustments to correct misalignments in the spine that may be causing the ailments that are preventing you from living your best life. Many of our patients see improved results in just a few short weeks and a significant reduction in their pain and symptoms after just a couple of months. It is also not uncommon for patients who come in for a specific issue to see improvements in other areas of their health after receiving chiropractic care. This can include an improved mood, improved energy and better sleep.

Chiropractic care that goes beyond chronic pain and symptoms

We love to help families grow into healthy families. It is easier to keep a child healthy than it is to correct a sick adult. We truly believe that when subluxations are present it limits our ability to adapt and perceive the environment around us. By taking the preventative measures of getting regular adjustments, we can better prepare ourselves for the changes of the world we may not be ready for.

It is a common misconception that chiropractic care is meant to treat only those who are suffering from pain or illness. While this is certainly true, the benefits of neurologically-based chiropractic care extend far beyond those already in pain. For those seeking to take a proactive approach to their health and wellness, regular chiropractic care should be an integral part of your health plan. 

All too often we are led to believe that we do not need to treat physical ailments and illnesses until symptoms arise. However, even relatively healthy people can see improvements in their health and wellness through chiropractic care. As we go through our daily activities, regular adjustments restore balance to the spine and nervous system, allowing your body to heal properly and function optimally. 

We work with patients who are looking to achieve optimal levels of health through regular chiropractic care. Our goal, when focusing on overall wellness care, is to correct misalignments of the spine that occur due to daily stressors such as bad posture, sitting at a desk and daily exercise. Relieving the stress these misalignments put on the nervous system promotes an improved ability to adapt to environmental stressors, better sleep, improved energy and an increase in happiness. In addition, patients who incorporate regular neurologically-based chiropractic care into their lives report spending less money and time on healthcare-related expenses due to fewer illnesses, reduced hospitalizations, a reduced need for medications and fewer missed days of work. 

To help our practice members achieve a higher quality of living, our team at Mindset Chiropractic will work with each individual to create a specific and individualized wellness care plan. We begin by getting to know you and your health goals, then completing a series of neurological assessments to gain a better understanding of your current state of health. Dr. Mark uses this information to develop recommendations for your care that align with your specific health goals. This care plan is continually reviewed at each appointment to guide the adjustments you will receive.